Signs of Autumn.

Walking around Our Garden@19 the other evening there were some notable signs of autumn, not least in the temperture.

Some of the plants are starting to develop their seasonal colours. Please join me on a short walk through the garden.

The first to catch your eye is the flowering cherry tree between the patio and the oriental  garden…

Cherry Tree

…wherein you will find the first Acer to change into its autumn coat..

Acer palmatum ‘Shaina’
Acer palmatum ‘Shaina’

Walking up the garden via the shrubbery path you pass a large arching Cotoneaster lacteus, this can look wonderful either trained flat against a fence or wall or, as here, left to grow freely at the back of a border…

Cotoneaster lacteus

…from there you arrive at the banana bench overlooked by the Green Man who is surround by The Boston Ivy.

Parthenocissus tripcuspidata

After a rest on the bench in the autumn sunshine if you follow the never ending woodland walk you pass the Rose glauca, with its slaty blue leaves and bright red hips.

Rose glauca. syn. Rose rubrifolia

Further along, providing colour all year round is the Prunus serrula…


…with its beautiful tactile bark.

Prunus serrula

While Autumn can be a little depressing due to its heralding oncoming winter, the plants brighten up our days with their fiery colourful, leaves, berries and bark.

What is brightening up your autumn garden?

20 thoughts on “Signs of Autumn.

  1. I love watching acers and maples changing colour in the autumn. The bark of your Prunus tree really is lovely. Such a nice detail to add interest to the garden, especially in winter I imagine too. 🙂


  2. The Serrula is very definitively tactile! There is a beauty in Crathes Castle and I used to amuse myself counting how many people would stroke it! Autumn is just starting here and the Asters I planted last year are brightening up the garden and are alive with bees and butterflies. Amelia


  3. You have such beautiful seasonal indicators. I hope that you rub that Prunus serrula every day! It certainly is getting colder at night, but I am enjoying the dew in the mornings. The dogwoods are the most obvious plants turning colour in our garden.


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