March Tour.

Despite the awful weather this winter, it has been a busy one here in our garden@19, see: (A Winter Project and a Wildlife-Friendly Experiment.) following on from several autumn projects.

With all the depressing news from around the world, just an hour working in the garden is welcome, ending with a quick photo tour accompanied by a chilly wind.

It is cheering to see that despite everything else, spring is coming in the garden.

On the patio.
The Alpine beds.

Looking colourful with some dogwood prunings inserted…

Arabis procurrens with Euphorbia myrsinites


Ipheion ‘ Alberto Castillo ‘
Corydalis cheilanthifolia
In the woodland walk.
Brunnera macrophylla

The Blue Border…

Narcissus ‘King Alfred’ in the blue border.

Under the arch…

Euphorbia characias subsp. Wulfenii

In the Oriental garden…

Camellia × williamsii ‘Donation’

What is spring bringing to cheer you up in your garden?