April Tour of Our Garden@19.

Spring here in the UK has been very wet and cold although the Met Office tells us the average temperature has been slightly above normal . Enjoy a tour of the garden with me to see what is adding light to the gloomy weather.

The Crab apple tree has been spectacular this spring much visited by honey bees.

Malus Golden Hornet

One of six apple trees in the garden is Grenadier, an excellent cooking apple.

Malus Grenadier

Some Sun lovers.

Edging the sunny iris bed is ‘Lost Label’
The Wall Flower Red Bedder.
Geranium Sanguineum in an alpine pot.

Shade-loving plants.

Polygonatum x hybridum ‘Striatum’
Polygonatum x hybridum in the White and Green garden.
Athyrium niponicum f. metallicum
Ligularia przewalskii is a lover of damp growing conditions.
As is Rheum ‘Ace of Hearts’

They are both grown in pots in the shade and well watered because our garden soil is free draining.

In the White and Green Garden.

Flowering to the left of the standard holly is Clematis ‘Miss Bateman’

Acers in the Oriental Garden and in pots are providing wonderful leaf colour.

In the Blue Border.

Lunaria annua ‘Rosemary Verey’
Euphorbia ‘palustris’ with common Honesty.
Geranium phaeum var. phaeum ‘Samobor’
Weigela ‘Victoria’
Euphorbia dulcis Chameleon Red
Philadelphus coronarius ‘Aureus with a young Physocrpus opulifolius ‘Brown Sugar’ providing a colour contrast.

Around the never-ending woodland walk.

Dicentra ‘Stuart Boothman’ among the For-get-me-nots.
Lamium, Dead Nettle with Buff Tailed Bumblebee
Meconopsis cambrica
Parthenocissus tripcuspidata (Boston Ivy)
The Great Tits are busy nest building in here.

The Clematis alp. ‘Broughton Bride’ is flowering up into the Liquidamber slyraciflua ‘Stella’

After this you pass the Prunus serrula tree which is now in flower and covered with honey bees.

Time to sit on the Banana Bench and listen to the bees, relax and view the Blue Border.

The Hosta row looks very vibrant,

Especially ‘The Prince of Wales’.

Hosta ‘The Prince of Wales’

Just above is the white wisteria looking full of promise, I hope it will be in full flower for our National Garden Scheme open day on May 13th.

An opportunity to sit and enjoy the garden with some refreshments.

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