
In my previous post here I showed the mug tree our grandchildren helped create in the garden ready for our NGS open gardens.

The mugs were a collection from them, their friends and some we had.

My favourite was the one below, (I don’t know why), but it does amuse me.

More mugs can be viewed by going to Photography at the top of the header page and clicking on Mug Shots.

Do you have a favourite mug?

11 thoughts on “Mugs.

  1. I used to have one at work when I was teaching, bought by my sister. I was away for a week on a residential visit with my class and when I returned someone had broken it. Apparently the breaker tried to buy a replacement but it was fairly unique and they couldn’t find a replacement so had to confess.

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  2. Not a favorite mug, but perhaps my least favorite is the one from my dentist lol! (A very nice, careful dentist, I might add…) I think I could use one like yours 😉


  3. I have a rolling series of favourite mugs which inevitably get broken. The most recent crashed into the Belfast sink last week (it’s a hazard) so I am currently sipping from second favourite plain blue Le Creuset mug. I like a mug that keeps warm for ages; that’s my main criterion!

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